Bangalore : SBI Foundation and Villgro have launched a new initiative called ‘Innovators for Bharat’ to support 14 agritech startups. The program was introduced at the Bangalore International Centre with key attendees from SBI Foundation, Villgro, NABKISAN, and other industry stakeholders.

The goal of this initiative is to drive innovation in agriculture by addressing challenges like climate change, sustainability, and improving farmer profitability. ‘Innovators for Bharat’ will focus on supporting early and growth-stage agritech startups to develop solutions that enhance income for smallholder farmers while promoting sustainable practices.

Sanjay Prakash, Managing Director and CEO of SBI Foundation, emphasized the initiative’s focus on supporting startups addressing agricultural and climate change issues. “Our aim is to foster tech-driven solutions that not only enhance profitability for smallholder farmers but also contribute to making their businesses sustainable. Together, we can create meaningful change in the agricultural sector,” he said.

The program is backed by Rs 3.25 crore in funding from SBI Foundation, with NABKISAN providing additional support, bringing the total to Rs 6 crore. This “catalytic capital” will help the 14 selected startups scale their operations and bring innovative solutions to market. These startups, including Bharat Rohan, RAAV Techlabs, Marut Drones, and GreyMatter, are focused on diverse aspects of agritech innovation like reducing post-harvest losses and minimizing environmental impacts.

Over the next two years, the initiative aims to impact 10,000 people, promote sustainable practices on 60,000 acres, and reduce CO2 emissions by 15,000 tonnes.

The collaborative effort combines SBI Foundation’s financial backing and mentorship network with Villgro’s expertise in technical assistance and market linkages, ensuring that the startups can scale and implement their solutions effectively. Additionally, the program will facilitate field trials with civil service organizations to ensure that these innovations are tested in real-world farming environments.

The long-term goal of ‘Innovators for Bharat’ is to foster sustainable agriculture, reducing carbon emissions and improving farmer livelihoods while contributing to global climate change mitigation efforts. This initiative is part of SBI Foundation’s broader commitment to accelerating social innovation in sectors like agriculture, climate change, and financial inclusion.


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