Prebys : The Conrad Prebys Foundation has allocated $5.9 million in grants to 24 organizations to fund internships aimed at preparing youth for their future careers, according to the Times of San Diego.

These recipient organizations offer internships and apprenticeships in high-demand fields, including health care, information technology, STEM, creative industries, education, construction, and environmental sectors. The selected students will come from historically underrepresented communities, including refugees, immigrants, those impacted by the justice system, and individuals experiencing homelessness. Notable recipients include A Reason To Survive, Balboa Art Conservation Center, and Black Tech Link.

“Paid internships provide students with vital experience, skills, and professional networks, helping to close the socio-economic gaps that often hinder their progress,” said Grant Oliphant, CEO of the Prebys Foundation. “Our shared mission is to empower more young people to discover pathways to successful careers and foster a brighter future for our community.”

For a full list of grant recipients, visit the Prebys Foundation website.


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