In the serene village of Guddali, nestled in the Kurabad block of Udaipur, resides a remarkable woman, Meera. From a young age, Meera has faced the challenges of being a divyang. Born with a congenital condition that affected her mobility, Meera could have easily let her circumstances define her future. However, she chose a different path—one filled with courage and entrepreneurial spirit.

Meera’s journey took a significant turn when she joined the Entrepreneurship Development Program (EDP-DS) of Manjari Foundation. This program became the catalyst for her entrepreneurial dreams, providing her with the necessary support and resources to turn her vision into reality.

One of the key milestones in Meera’s journey was the acquisition of a modern electric sewing machine. This machine not only enhanced her productivity but also symbolized a new chapter in her life—a chapter where her disability was no longer a hindrance but a stepping stone to success.

To further facilitate her entrepreneurial endeavors, Manjari Foundation went a step further and helped Meera set up a shop at her home, complete with a tin roof to protect her sewing machine. This not only provided her with a dedicated workspace but also instilled a sense of pride and ownership in her craft.

Today, Meera stitches beautiful clothes, showcasing her creativity and skill. Her monthly earnings range between Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 12,000, a testament to her hard work and determination. But more than the financial aspect, Meera’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the unwavering spirit of entrepreneurship.

Meera’s story is not just about overcoming difficulties; it’s about embracing it and using it as a catalyst for success. Her journey from adversity to opportunity is a testament to the transformative power of entrepreneurship.


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